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Journal of Oral Health and Dentistry Research (ISSN: 2583-522X)

Journal of Oral Health and Dentistry Research (ISSN: 2583-522X)

Journal of Oral Health and Dentistry Research (ISSN: 2583-522X) is an International, peer reviewed journal dedicated to publish all aspects of advances in oral health and dentistry including clinical trials. The research and discovery in the field has been boosted with technical advances leading to dramatic changes in terms of professional practice and improved patient care. We also aim to focus on expert reviews, clinical opinions and clinical developments in the field. 

Journal of Oral Health and Dentistry Research (ISSN: 2583-522X) covers the following themes but not limited to: Dental Anatomy; Dental Implant; Dental Hygiene; Dental Materials; Dental Orthopedics; Dental Pharmacology; Dental Surgery; Digital Dentistry; Endodontics; Geriatric Dentistry; Hospital Dentistry; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Oral Histology; Oral Medicine; Oral Pathology; Oral Physiology; Orthodontics; Pediatric Dentistry; Periodontics; Periodontology; Restorative Dentistry. 

We welcome submissions from clinical practitioners, medical/health practitioners, students, professionals and researchers around the world in the field for the following type of articles: Original research, Case report, Review, Commentary, Perspective, Opinion, Short Communication and Letters to the Editor.

Journal of Oral Health and Dentistry Research (ISSN: 2583-522X) is an International Journal that publishes three issues per year, started in the year 2021 which publishes articles in Open Access Format only in online version in the English Language. 

Submissions of manuscripts are welcome via online submission system or via email to the Editorial Office at:

Articles To be Published